środa, 1 lipca 2020

Orthodox Ikonenausstellung in der Pfarrkirche Inzing

The exhibition of Orthodox Icons, parish church in Inzing, Tyrol, Austria. Oktober 2013* (*uwagi na końcu).
Our Lady of Vladimir. Copy.
Vladimir Madonna, Theotokos, Byzantine icon, Orthodox Icon,
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The Theotokos of Vladimir, also known as Our Lady of Vladimir. The Vladimir Madonna - is a medieval Byzantine icon /and of 16 c./ of the Virgin and Child that has been in Russia since soon after it was painted. It is one of the most venerated Orthodox icons and a fine and early example of the iconography of the Eleusa type.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria Icon, Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai. Copy.
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Petersinai Icon. a 6th-century encaustic icon from Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai. Copy.
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Christ Pantocrator Icon. Copy.
The oldest known icon of Christ Pantocrator, 550 AD, encaustic on panel (Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai,Egypt). The two different facial expressions on either side may emphasize Christ's two natures as fully God and fully human.

Fot. Elisabeth Fazel.

* Tekst pochodzi z 2013 roku z naszej strony www.tyrol-guide.com, która była jedną z najczęściej wyświetlanych stron nie tylko w Tyrolu. Stanowiła jakby gazetę tyrolską i opis historii tego pięknego miejsca. Niestety, strona zniknęła bezpowrotnie z wyszukiwarek.

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